Member Directory
I am a senior at Umass Boston studying Communications. I am a huge sports fan and would love to be able to work in the sports industry after graduation. I love spending time with my family and hanging out with friends, along with outdoor activities of any kind.
I am Jihad Miller a senior business administration student at Florida A&M University. My previous internship experience includes Recruiting Analytics, a college football recruiting service. As a player personnel intern, I was tasked with researching high school players across the country and input their metrics/physical measurements into the database. Now that I am interning with Weekly Spiral, I hope to not only improve my writing skills but also educate new readers on the game of football and provide a unique perspective on different trends in football.
I am currently a 2nd year masters candidate at the University of San Francisco's Master in Sport Management Program. I love the NFL with a concentration in fantasy football and analyzing the history of the league. I also work for Wasserman's football division and as a regional basketball scout.