
The Weekly Spiral website, video breakdowns, and podcast offer a sample of the football analysis from Weekly Spiral. Casey Sully also offers more in-depth videos, game picks, early releases, and more on the Patreon page here.

Casey is a football coach, has a Masters degree in Sport Management from the University of San Francisco, and is intimately ingrained in the football world. This experience allows him to offer great insight into the current trends and performances in the NFL.

It is our hope that this bonus content on Patreon is fun, helps provide insight, shares knowledge, adds a way for you to interact with Casey about his breakdowns, and will improve your understanding of football.

I hope you enjoy all our content and thank you for supporting Weekly Spiral in all its forms.

What Patreon does:

  • Patreon allows people that enjoy what we do to pledge a monthly amount starting as low as $1 to help us grow and create content.
  • You are charged when you pledge and then monthly after that. You can stop at any time.

What Patreon will give you:

  • Sneak peek looks at future YouTube videos and film breakdowns.
  • Exclusive game picks every week.
  • Exclusive access to a breakdown of one of Casey’s favorite plays from the previous week.
  • Access to members-only Discord channel to talk to creators at the Weekly Spiral.

Patreon will help us:

  • Create more content, analysis, and film breakdowns.
  • Purchase better equipment for video editing on film breakdowns, podcasting, and recording.
  • Cover the cost of hosting and producing the film breakdowns, podcast, and supplementary material.